What are the scopes of use of hydraulic water well drilling rigs?

Jul 11, 2023

1. Water well drilling: Hydraulic water well drilling rigs are mainly used for drilling and exploration of water wells. They can be used to exploit groundwater resources, construct irrigation wells, industrial water wells, etc.

2. Geothermal drilling: Hydraulic water well drilling rigs are also widely used in geothermal energy exploration and development. Geothermal drilling is to find underground thermal energy resources for heating, power generation and other purposes.

3. Mine exploration: hydraulic water well drilling rigs can be used for mine exploration work, such as drilling ore seams, prospecting for mineral deposits, etc. They can be used for geological exploration and drilling prior to underground mining.

4. Geological survey: Hydraulic water well drilling rigs can be used for geological survey and survey work. They can be used to obtain subsurface geological information, collect core samples, and more.

5. Groundwater level monitoring: Hydraulic water well drilling rigs can be used for drilling and maintenance of groundwater level monitoring wells. These wells are often used to monitor changes in groundwater levels and to manage groundwater resources.

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